[GRASSLIST:5011] RE: reporting statistics from clumps of pixels
William L. Baker
BakerWL at uwyo.edu
Wed Nov 20 12:45:05 EST 2002
Yes, you can use r.le.pixel. Consider the map of
clumps to be what is referred to in r.le.pixel as
a "region" map.
Bill Baker
-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Dewez [mailto:thomas.dewez at brunel.ac.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2002 10:09 AM
To: gRASSLIST at baylor.edu
Subject: [GRASSLIST:5010] reporting statistics from clumps of pixels
Dear all,
I am struggling on how to extract statistics from clumps of data. I
have a layer containing clumps ID and I would like to obtain an ascii
output of the average elevation of those clumps.
Is there a command that does this?
r.average was used to compute the average value of each clump.
The problem is simply to report the value contained in one layer
while looking up the category value in another layer. The report
would look something like this:
clump1, value...
clump2, value...
Surely it is quite basic
Thanks for your help,
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