Petra Wallem Petra_Wallem at Brown.edu
Sat Oct 5 15:12:48 EDT 2002

Hi, I am finally getting used to the GRASS commands and having fun exploring 
the program, dough a problem showed up. I am importing files from SeaDAS, a 
satellite image processing program. The output are ASCII files, which are big 
(8MB), and I have to edit those files before importing them into GRASS as 
site maps. I have tried all the spreadsheet program I have in Linux 
(gnumeric, kspread and Star-Office) non has worked. Either the text output 
files have a strange format that GRASS is not accepting, or they don't open 
the ascii file as spreadsheet, instead as text which is not nice format to 
edit a 15000 or bigger line file...
Can any body recommend me a spreadsheet program that reads big ASCII files and 
has an ASCII output option?
That would be grate help, as on INTERNET I found a lot and I am not sure for 
which option to go.
Thanks a lot and have all a very nice day!

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