[GRASSLIST:4772] RE: format in cellhd

"Fernández-Victorio Arévalo, Gonzalo" GFernandez-Victorio at IGAE.minhac.es
Fri Oct 18 03:45:56 EDT 2002

From: M.Wegmann [mailto:m.wegmann at web.de]
> What does format in cellhd mean? 

This is the only question I can try to answer.

>From the GRASS programmer manual, page 31, "The format 
field describes how many bytes per cell are required to 
represent the raster data. 0 means 1 byte, 1 means 2 bytes, 
etc. The value -1 indicates that it is a floating 
point raster map which is stored in fcell/ subdirectory 
instead if cell/ subdirectory."

I've got no idea of what have happened. But anyway, if
GRASS is trying to read two bytes and data is one byte per
cell, there should be a problem.



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