[GRASSLIST:4783] Re: error when starting grass5 - corrected

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Fri Oct 18 17:00:56 EDT 2002

Holger Zebner wrote:

> I have checked my current setup for libtermcap but it couldn't be located.
> Where (in my filesys) should it be? From where could I get it if SuSe 
> doesn't have it?

If it was installed on your filesystem, you wouldn't be getting the
error. Look on the CD; if it isn't there, try SuSE's FTP site. If SuSE
doesn't provide this library in any form, then you'll need to either:

a) build libtermcap from source,

b) build GRASS from source, or

c) wait until someone provides a pre-compiled version of GRASS which
is compatible with SuSE (although it just says "Linux", the GRASS
binaries are actually for RedHat 7.x).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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