[GRASSLIST:960] Map flattening at edges

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Sat Aug 16 17:49:34 EDT 2003

Hi folks,

I have been working on a map for the last several months.  Some of you may
remember trying to help me with it.  Well I finally got the contours into
GRASS and made a surface map from them.  A friend who can use AutoCAD
retraced the lines into a shape file and geo referenced them.  The contour
labels didn't take, so I relabelled them with v.digit.  I also had to attach
them to the bounding box.  The problem I am having is that the surface
raster map is flattening at the edges rather than following the contours.  I
was able to use Adobe Photoshop to crop these areas out, but I would like to
know why they were flattening and how to get the contour to flow right to
the edge.

Thanks again for any help.

Kurt D. Springs

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