[GRASSLIST:975] Re: r.in.hdf not found

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Wed Aug 20 03:01:44 EDT 2003

On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 04:57:21PM +0530, Uttam Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
>     I want to import a *.hdf file into grass raster file format and then 
> convert it to *.img format.
> My grass version is 5.0.0 ,this does not have a r.in.hdf file loaded. When I 
> go for downloading the r.in.hdf on the internet (in the GRASS data import 
> help page), it does not display any such command or any module that supports 
> .hdf format. How should I download the "r.in.hdf" code to put it in my grass 
> version or is there any way to convert .hdf to grass raster format and then 
> to .img format. I want some help. Thanks in advance.

Although slightly updated, the r.in.hdf is not functional.
However, r.in.gdal will import HDF files if you have installed
a GDAL library with HDF support compiled in.

Like that r.in.gdal imports ASTER, ASTER DEM, MODIS etc.


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