[GRASSLIST:981] Re: g.select.pg problem: list OK but refuse to select available database

tlaronde at polynum.org tlaronde at polynum.org
Thu Aug 21 04:23:16 EDT 2003

Quoting tlaronde at polynum.org:

I'm partly replying to myself.

> Hello,
> I'm using grass 5.0.2 and PostgreSQL 7.3.4.
> Postmaster is running OK, and can do management with
> psql.
> When running g.select.pg, the connection is OK when asked
> do list the available databases, but when selecting one
> it says that the connexion was refused.

I'm using Postgres locally (via Unix socket). But it seems
that the listing of the available databases is done via
the Unix socket, but the selecting of the database is
required by TCP/IP, since launching postmaster with the option
of accepting connections via TCP/IP changes the error messages.

I continue to search...

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