[GRASSLIST:1059] Re: Site/vector colors symbols

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 28 00:26:34 EDT 2003

> Is there any wat to have GRASS plot vector maps with colours assigned
> by attribute, instead of one colour for the map?
> While v.extract can be used to break a vector map into new sub-maps
> which can them be plotted in specified colours, I'd like to be able to
> assign colours as for rasters, so vectors can be coloured by category
> or attribute. My current interest is in being able to use the same
> colormap for contours as are assigned to the raster map the contours
> are derived from.
> Is there a simple way to assign a color palette to a GRASS vector map?

Individual vectors can be displayed with d.vect.line:

d.vect.line map=contours color=white catnum=-200,-100,0
d.vect.line map=contours color=128:128:128 catnum=-150,-50
d.vect.line map=contours color=green catnum=100,200

Or coloured according to a legend file with d.vect.line legend=xxxx

d.vect.area has similar options.


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