[GRASSLIST:2009] Re: input format of v.net.path in GRASS5.7

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Wed Dec 10 05:47:22 EST 2003

On Wednesday 10 December 2003 08:29, Hayashi Shin-ichiro wrote:
> Dear GRASS users :
> I want to search shortest path on vector data.
> I'm trying to use v.net.path command in GRASS5.7.
> But I cannot understand data input format for v.net.path.
> I read manual of v.net.path.
> But, what I could understand options is only input and output.
> What I want to know is ,
> How do I set start and end node ? .
> In short, I want to know input format of v.net.path for seach shortest
> path. Please tell me example of usage.
> Please give me your suggestion.
> Thank you in advance.
> Sincerely yours.

Nodes on the network are identified by category number of points
placed exactly on network nodes (ends of lines). If you have lines
only in you vector, you can add new points by v.net and assign categories 
to points by v.category field=2. Then use these categories as input for v.net:
echo "1 5" | v.net.path


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