[GRASSLIST:2029] How to enter coordinates on the DEFINE REGION screen

radiumfield at netscape.net radiumfield at netscape.net
Thu Dec 11 14:44:13 EST 2003

I have searched far and wide and not found any information providing help as to how to enter coordinates in the define region screen. One would think someone somewhere would need help with this basic operation. 

By trial and error I managed to figure out how to enter degrees. DD:MM:SS.
Sounds simple, but there are a multitude of ways to describe degrees so luckily I didn't waste too much time on that.

However I am currently struggling with UTM coordinates. How do you enter them on the DEFINE REGION (i.e. start up with a new location) screen. 

One problem regardless of the actual syntax: half the time I enter UTM coordinates and the GRASS 5.3 program tells me that the north edge value must be larger than the south edge. Well in my world the UTM values for the south edge are smaller absolute value-wise than for the north edge. And it won't allow me to enter things like "10S544490mE". Help? 

So why should I care that GRASS has it's own inverted number system for a region? I just want to define a raster image as being in UTM space. 

 thank you


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