[GRASSLIST:2106] Re: How to enter coordinates on the
Richard Greenwood
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Mon Dec 22 09:11:29 EST 2003
At 11:18 PM 12/21/2003, you wrote:
>Hello list,
>Sorry but I have a primary problem yet!
>As I wrote it before, I know that at first we should create a xy location,
>and import a raster map, then transform it to a UTM location, so before
>use of i.target we should create another location, with UTM coordinate
>system. Am I right?
That depends on what projection your raster map is in. If your raster map
is UTM then all you need to do is import it into your location. Is your
raster map geo-referenced (does it have a projection)? Do you know what
that projection is? What type of raster map are you trying to import - is
it an image?
How many map layers do you have? Are they all in the same projection? If
you only have one layer, or if all of your map layers are in the same
projection, you can ignore datum and ellipsoid.
Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich <at> GreenwoodMap <dot> com
(307) 733-0203
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