[GRASSLIST:5436] Re: please help me generate an adjaceny list
John Gillette
JGillette at rfmd.com
Sat Feb 1 19:16:37 EST 2003
I tried this. It turns out
Lines->left and Lines->right
can return negative numbers (which crashes the program).
So I test for >0 instead of !=
Is there any documentation on the vector format
(besides the programming manual and dig_structs.h)?
I assume the negative numbers are related to either
islands or direction flow.
I have included the program and the make file
in case it's useful.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Radim Blazek [mailto:blazek at itc.it]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 3:07 AM
> To: Jeff D. Hamann; grasslist at baylor.edu
> Subject: [GRASSLIST:5414] Re: please help me generate an adjaceny list
> You must use topology, so export + script does not help.
> If topology is built (v.support), each boundary has information
> about area on left/right side. Code may be like this:
> for (i=1; i <= Map.n_lines; i++) {
> Line = &(Map.Line[i]);
> if (Lines->type != AREA) continue;
> lcat = rcat = 0;
> if (Lines->left != 0)
> lcat = Map.Att[Map.Area[Lines->left].att].cat;
> if (Lines->right != 0)
> rcat = Map.Att[Map.Area[Lines->right].att].cat;
> fprintf (stdout, "%d %d", lcat, rcat);
> }
> Radim
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