[GRASSLIST:5524] ps.map

Ian Macmillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Tue Feb 11 23:45:45 EST 2003

Hi all, I am trying to export a map at 1:100,000 scale.  I have been using ps.map, and it works fine with small page sizes such as us-letter or a4.  However when I try to use something bigger (because I have a large illustration) such as a0 (with ps.select), Adobe Illustrator will only produce a blank file (9.3 Mb in size).  The file is viewable in ghostview at a0 size.  I have tried to convert from postscript to eps via ps2epsi, but every time I just get a blank image in illustrator.  Any ideas?  

I am using osx 10.2.3 running grass 5.0.0


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