[GRASSLIST:5296] Re: DFX import

Nick Cahill ndcahill at facstaff.wisc.edu
Tue Jan 7 11:28:38 EST 2003

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-------------- next part --------------
I've found that GRASS doesn't do well with some types of CAD lines. I 
use Microstation rather than AutoCAD, and have also had problems 
importing contour lines. I finally found that some of them were typed 
as complex elements -- a series of polylines which were grouped 
together. Microstation has a tool which breaks down these complex 
elements into their component parts. I think the equivalent type of 
element in AutoCAD is a block - you might see if some of your contour 
lines are blocks, and if so, try to break them down into polylines. 
Hope this helps--

Nick Cahill

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