[GRASSLIST:5262] DFX import

Edwards LindaEdwards at cinci.rr.com
Fri Jan 3 09:19:13 EST 2003

I have been attempting to import a multi-layer DFX file into GRASS (vs
5), using v.in.dfx -a.  The file was originally created in AUTOCAD and
then converted to DFX.  I am able to open and view all layers of the
converted DFX file in Freehand 9.  The import is partially successful;
however not all the contour layers import.  They appear to stop at a
particular contour interval (although this is just a guess).  To work
around the problem I tried to import another file of the same site with
the same contour layer.  However in this import attempt, the contour
layer would not import at all.  Are there particular commands for
importing contour layers?  Any help or guidance anyone could offer would
be appreciated.  Thanks.

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