[GRASSLIST:5417] RE: How to choose initial parameters?

Markus Neteler neteler at itc.it
Fri Jan 31 04:15:30 EST 2003

On Fri, Jan 31, 2003 at 01:49:04AM +0000, Yann Chemin wrote:
> Hi Jitendra,
> A small help to find out information about your files
> without GRASS would be to use GDAL, that is a
> prerequisite to installing GRASS.
> Gdalinfo /path/imagename.extension >
> /path/imagename.txt
> This would create a small text file named
> 'imagename.txt' that is compiling projection
> information and related stuff.

For those being interested I have written a small script
based on r.in.gdal which generates a new location from
a raster data set. 
This script will temporarily start GRASS and generate
the location, then it closes the GRASS session.

 ->  create_grass_location.sh

Script to create a new LOCATION from a raster data set
   create_location.sh rasterfile newlocation_name [GISDBASE]
rasterfile: file to be imported (tiff, EOSAT, gif, jpeg...)
newlocation_name: new location to be created
GISDBASE: full path to GRASS database directory (optional)
          e.g. /ssi0/ssi/neteler/grassdata

Best regards

Markus Neteler

ITC-irst, Istituto per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
      Project on Predictive Models for the Environment    
Via Sommarive, 18        -       38050 Povo (Trento), Italy
tel +39 0461 314 520 (fax -591)           http://mpa.itc.it

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