[GRASSLIST:610] Re: After importing shape file

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Fri Jul 4 07:15:47 EDT 2003

Ramin Safa said:
> hi Moritz                                          HELP
> Thanks for usefull suggestions.
> I did every thing ,but now i have 2 problems:
> 1.I think the scale is wrong,my area is in iran and system
> is TM but there is no any information in the book about
> Iran(P.43)...How can i modify it.?

Create a new location with projection tmerc and give all the relevant
information for the Iranian system (ellipsoid, central parallel, central
meridian, false easting, false northing). Then import your data into this

> 2.After i imported the map into the Grass I missed a part
> of area(between 800m to 820m contour line)but befor
> importing every thing was ok.i did this ckecking two
> time.You have all my base data please check it.

I'm sorry I didn't keep the data, thinking that everything went fine. So,
if you want me to test, you'll have to send it again, but it won't be
before Monday.

> any way ,when We read the book or site every thing
> explained very easy,but after working there are so many
> problems and inconvinients.I think this software could be
> and shoul be easier than this ,with so many years
> experiences and softwares improving.

I agree that documentation could be better, that's what we are working on
with the tutorial, a FAQ, etc. It is mostly a problem of not having enough
volunteers to help us out with the effort.

Also keep in mind that GRASS is an ongoing compromise between, on the on
hand power and flexibility, and on the other ease of use. It is also not
meant as a simple map viewing software, but as a full-fledged GIS.
But I hope you'll stick with it and learn to appreciate its qualities.
Since you seem to have the book, you might want to start by downloading
the sample data sets at http://mpa.itc.it/grasstutor/data_menu.phtml and
play around with those until you get a feel for it.


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