[GRASSLIST:670] raster categories and floating point attribute values

Steven Stoddard sstoddar at uiuc.edu
Wed Jul 9 12:17:41 EDT 2003

I am currently in the process of learning grass and trying to assemble 
a database to work off of for my research.  I am importing many files 
and trying to get them into a raster format that is amenable to 
analysis--floating point or integer maps.  I have maps though that were 
imported from .e00 that are in raster format, but are categorized 
sequentially (e.g. 1-120) and their labels are a floating point value.  
How do I get rid of the category number and instead have only the fp 
value so I can do manipulations with mapcalc etc?
Just for background, the imported map was first in vector format and 
all polygons were assigned a unique id with a floating point value as 
the attribute.  I reclassified this map so that the categories at least 
corresponded to same floating point values and were sorted in 
increasing fashion.

Steven T. Stoddard

Program in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
202b Shelford Vivarium
606 E. Healy Ave
Champaign, IL  61820

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