[GRASSLIST:738] Re: s.in.ascii in lat long

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 17 05:42:14 EDT 2003

> It appears that my s.in.ascii command may not be working properly. It
> is a similar problem to that reported previously by Seppo Kaitala last
> May, but I didn't understand what the solution was.
> When trying to import a file containing "Long Lat pointID value", I
> get the message
> segmentation fault (core dumped)
> I tried various ideas. For example output a sites file with
> s.out.ascii and put it back into s.in.ascii. I get the same error. Is
> this because the lat and longs are in DMS format?  Is there anything
> to do about it?

Are you using GRASS on a non-unix machine? If so you may need to save
your input file in UNIX format. Do this with Textpad for Windows or
BBedit for Mac.

This works fine for me anyway:
s.in.ascii test << EOF
175E 36:30S site1 1234
170:30E 41:15S site2 2345
170:30E 45S site3 3456

please let me know if this is solves your problem. If so it might pay to
make s.in.ascii more LF/CR aware..


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