[GRASSLIST:858] 3d Lakes in NVIZ and islands

Kurt Springs ferret_bard at mac.com
Tue Jul 29 17:02:18 EDT 2003

Hi again folks

I've managed to get the lakes and coasts into raster format.  When I go to
make the 3d model in NVIZ, I found the best way to work is to create a mask
of the coast on the surface map, and then put in the ocean.  It leaves a
black boarder, but I wont quibble.  The same technique is only partially
successful with lakes.  The lakes are found at different elevations, sousing
the position panel can get one lake onto the surface, but the others will be
under the surface layer, or way above it.  Is they a way to get them to just
rest on, or at least appear on the surface map?

My second question involves islands.  The lakes and the ocean have islands
on them.  Since my study won't involve the islands, I can sans them if
necessary.  However, the maps will look better if I don¹t.  The lakes and
their islands are separate layers, while the coast and coastal islands are
on one layer.  In either case, is there a way to get them to 'knock out' the

Thanks for any suggestions anyone can give.


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