[GRASSLIST:462] Re: m.in.e00 question

Michel Wurtz mjwurtz at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jun 23 00:07:32 EDT 2003

Roger Miller wrote:

> More recently I modified m.in.e00 to correctly read polygon coverages (that
> modification has not yet been merged back to CVS) and found that the e00
> format does not use the coverage-ID in the polygon topology (PAL) table.  I
> couldn't find a way to use the coverage-ID to link the data; it appeared
> necessary to use the coverage-#.

Yes, when a line has the same polygon on his left and right side, it must be
imported as a "line" in grass.  If you don't do that, v.support is confused.
I have not finished that, but if you have it ready, merge it !

Michel Wurtz - Auzeville-Tolosane

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