[GRASSLIST:481] tcsh solution Re: Re: where is $LOCATION set

Hal Mueller hal at mobilegeographics.com
Tue Jun 24 01:20:29 EDT 2003

>eval `g.gisenv`   will "activate" the variables listed in g.gisenv.

For my fellow Luddites still running tcsh instead of bash, "eval 
`g.gisenv`" doesn't work.  But placing these lines into .grass.cshrc

eval `g.gisenv | awk -F= '{print "setenv " $1 " " $2}'`

alias cdloc 'cd $GISDBASE/$LOCATION_NAME'

does the trick quite nicely.  Thanks Erin for the question, and 2 
unnamed respondents for the answers and nudge!


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