[GRASSLIST:491] Grid 3d

Sjors jkwast at freeler.nl
Tue Jun 24 07:17:45 EDT 2003


Since I was playing around with site files  yesterday (see awk thread, 
thanks everybody)  I also started to take a look at grid 3d modules. So 
messing a bit around, as the docs are not many, I finally could import 
my sites file and turn it to rast with s.to.rast3. Now making a display 
file, I've looked at the weather example also it gives me this error:

FATAL ERROR: G3d_getDoubleRegion: error in G3d_getTilePtr

I've set up region as:

CURRENT REGION: N=6000  S=   0  RES=1    ROWS=6000
                E=6270  W=  50  RES=1    COLS=6220
                T=1524  B=1520  RES=1  DEPTHS=4
ZONE:       0

sitefile is imported with s.in.ascii d=3 form ascii file containing 1 
value, ie xyzv1.
I think the problem is with depths values, does it stand for the values 
after xyz?  
Btw how to deal with dres. If 2d res ==1 can dres in 3d be 0.1?

All for now, hope somebody has a clou,

Greetings Sjors


I must say that I recently installed redhat 9 and cvs head version of  
grass5,  with  postgres , postgis and all other relevant stuff and it 
went rather painlessly. However  grass5 won't start in graphical mode 
after first time, but I suppose that's normal.

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