[GRASSLIST:5729] Re: Problem with compilation of GRASS 5.1

Vojtech Honzik v.honzik at sh.cvut.cz
Tue Mar 4 01:48:43 EST 2003

I am trying to compile the CVS build from 2003_03_01 and the compilation always hangs with this error messages:
OBJ.i586-pc-linux-gnu/main.o: In function `main':
/home/vojta/grass_install/grass51_exp_2003_03_01/vector/v.out.ogr/main.c:145: undefined reference to `OGRRegisterAll'
/home/vojta/grass_install/grass51_exp_2003_03_01/vector/v.out.ogr/main.c:146: undefined reference to `OGRGetDriverCount'
/home/vojta/grass_install/grass51_exp_2003_03_01/vector/v.out.ogr/main.c:149: undefined reference to `OGRGetDriver'
/home/vojta/grass_install/grass51_exp_2003_03_01/vector/v.out.ogr/main.c:150: undefined reference to `OGR_Dr_GetName'
/home/vojta/grass_install/grass51_exp_2003_03_01/vector/v.out.ogr/main.c:151: undefined reference to `OGR_Dr_GetName'

I think the reason is because of the compilator cannot find the GDAL library (which I have correctly installed)
I was trying to generate the Makefile using several ways:

./configure --with-grass50=/home/vojta/grass_install/grass50_exp_2003_03_01/ --with-gdal=/usr/lib
./configure --with-grass50=/home/vojta/grass_install/grass50_exp_2003_03_01/ --without-gdal

,but it seems it does not have any real effect.
I have correctly compiled and installed GDAL library in version 1.1.8

There is some remark in the directory with v.out.ogr:
This module requires OGR (GDAL) library libgdal.1.1.so and header file ogr_api.h.

GDAL flags should be added to Makefile and compilation made conditional.
, but I don't know how to apply this remark.

Could you help me with that?

Thank you.

Best regards,

Vojtech Honzik
Civil Engineering Faculty
Czech Technical University, Prague

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