[GRASSLIST:5750] Re: Problem restarting GRASS5 with -tcltk

Eric G. Miller egm2 at jps.net
Fri Mar 7 01:28:48 EST 2003

Please start a new thread when your post doesn't have anything
to do with the message you are following up to.

On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 04:31:38PM +1300, Brent Wood wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently crashed out of a GRASS5 session. (sigh..)
> The problem now is that the tcl/tk GUI locks up with a blank window on
> startup.
> Starting in text mode generates an error opening monitor x0 from the
> command line, but opening x1 works OK. x0 was open when it crashed, & I'm
> assuming the gui is trying to  reopen x0 and failing due to something left
> hanging around from the crash.
> Hopefully someone can point me at some lock files somewhere or another
> simple fix?

What was the error opening the monitor?  Have you checked your process
table for an errant GRASS program?  Sounds like a process is hanging
on to the communications socket for x0 (/tmp/grass-$USER/x0).

echo ">gra.fcw at 2ztr< eryyvZ .T pveR" | rot13 | reverse

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