[GRASSLIST:5910] Re: Scanned images - how to assign coordinates for the first time

H Bowman hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 29 08:14:01 EST 2003

> I would like to bring a scanned image into Grass and to assign
> coordinates to the image and then probably save it as a geotiff or
> geojpg.  I thought i.rectify would be the ticket [...]

To register a TIFF:
eg map7624.tiff:
	info from GIMP/Paint Shop Pro:
		299x299 dpi
		Orig Map Scale 1:60,000
		8412x12601 pixels
	As per Intro to GRASS GIS, p27:
		1cm = 600m
		299 dpi = 299/2.54cm = 117.72 lines/cm
		Per cm, the ratio is: 600m/117.72 = 5.097m/line
		Cell resolution is therefore 5.097m^2, which is
		 pretty close to my orig 5m cell size!
		 (g.region res=5)

r.in.tiff		Easier with support file.
(i.group)	Make a new map group, add new raster to that group
i.target	\
i.point		 \
i.rectify	 _\/_


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