[GRASSLIST:6172] Roor opening terminal: xterm

Michael ODonovan maodonovan at worldonline.co.za
Sat May 3 16:14:10 EDT 2003

on 12 March I wrote:

I get an error whem I attempt to open a text shell (using $ grass5 - text) of 
attempt to set a mask I get the rror ...

sh: line 1 : clear : command not found
Error opening terminal: xterm

I am running grass5.0.0 installed from a mandrake RPM under Mandrake 9.

I got several responses - mostly regarding links. However the soluton rested 
with upgrading to Mandrake 9.1. The upgarde also solves a error in "R" which 
says the terminal is not funtioning properly when "help" is queried.

many thanks

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