[GRASSLIST:6173] Re: about shademap, his ...

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sun May 4 01:19:25 EDT 2003

Carlos Henrique Grohmann de Carvalho wrote:

> I'm with a little problem, I need to convert the result of d.shademap (in 
> wich a hidraulic gradient is shown over a shaded relief dem, the same result 
> I can get with d.his leaving the Saturation empty and using hidraulic 
> gradient as Hue and shaded relief as intensity) into a new raster layer. I 
> tried r.his, but it's not working since it asks for existing raster maps for 
> R,G,B, and I want to create them!

Oops; thanks for the bug report.

If you have source code, it's simple enough to fix (details available
upon request).

Otherwise, if you create dummy maps with the desired names, and use
the "-o" switch, r.his will overwrite them (it's only the code which
checks the arguments which expects the maps to exist).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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