[GRASSLIST:6189] Re: Clip a Raster

Laurent BESSON laurent at caribou.u-bourgogne.fr
Wed May 7 04:38:16 EDT 2003

However, if you want only a raster map on the current region, after doing 
a g.region, you do a: r.mapcalc "new_map=old_map"

This will crop old_map to the region and store it into new_map

Laurent BESSON

On Tue, 6 May 2003, Glynn Clements wrote:

> aguru2 at unlserve.unl.edu wrote:
> > I am new user to Grass and GIS. I would like to clip(crop) a raster so that I 
> > can extract a smaller map from a larger area where I want to focus the 
> > analysis. I highly appreciate anyone directing me ragarding the command that 
> > can be used to do that.
> Almost all raster commands do this automatically. GRASS raster
> commands normally operate upon the current region, which can be set
> and queried using g.region.
> Any maps which are created have their bounds and resolution determined
> by the current region; any maps which are read are automatically
> cropped, padded (with nulls) and/or resampled according to the current
> region settings.

* Laurent BESSON   *   Laboratoire de Cartographie   *
*                  *   Universite de Bourgogne       *
*                  *   Dijon, France                 *
*                  ***********************************
*                  *   Equipe ingenierie informatique*
*                  *   et Bases de Donnees           *
*                  *   Laboratoire LE2I              *
*                  *   Universite de Bourgogne       *
*                  *   Dijon, France                 *
* "S'aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre,   *
*  c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.   *
*         Antoine de Saint-Exupéry                   *

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