Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Thu May 15 05:42:45 EDT 2003

On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 12:16:45AM -0300, André Vinícius dos Santos wrote:
>    May I install GRASS using APT-GET (Conectiva Linux or Debian Linux) ?

apt-get is an intelligent frontend to dpkg, 
the Debian GNU/Linux packaging software. 
apt-get can download or use packages from different sources. 

You could only use apt-get if somebody has made Debian packages
for grass. To my knowledge there is an old version of Grass (5.0.0pre4-1) 
packaged in the official Debian repositories.
I'm not aware of newer builds wether officially or inofficially.

5.0.0pre4-1 is rather old, so I would not really recommend trying it.
Short answer: No.

If you are looking for prebuild packages which run on Debian,
one options is to download the prebuild binaries or use
the RPMs of the FreeGIS CDs which are tested on Debian and 
can be properly with the packaging system using alien. 

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