Sandro Klippel sandro.klippel at talha-mar.com.br
Thu May 15 10:49:05 EDT 2003

I have a debian package of the grass 5.0.1

Add the lines:

deb http://www.talha-mar.com.br/linux/debian ./
deb ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/ unstable main non-free contrib

in the sources.list file


# apt-get update
# apt-get install grass


On Thu, 15 May 2003 11:42:45 +0200
Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de> wrote:

> On Thu, May 15, 2003 at 12:16:45AM -0300, André Vinícius dos Santos wrote:
> > 
> >    May I install GRASS using APT-GET (Conectiva Linux or Debian Linux) ?
> > 
> Background: 
> apt-get is an intelligent frontend to dpkg, 
> the Debian GNU/Linux packaging software. 
> apt-get can download or use packages from different sources. 
> You could only use apt-get if somebody has made Debian packages
> for grass. To my knowledge there is an old version of Grass (5.0.0pre4-1) 
> packaged in the official Debian repositories.
> I'm not aware of newer builds wether officially or inofficially.
> 5.0.0pre4-1 is rather old, so I would not really recommend trying it.
> Short answer: No.
> If you are looking for prebuild packages which run on Debian,
> one options is to download the prebuild binaries or use
> the RPMs of the FreeGIS CDs which are tested on Debian and 
> can be properly with the packaging system using alien. 
> 	Bernhard

Sandro Klippel <sandro.klippel at talha-mar.com.br>

talha-mar projetos ambientais
Conselheiro d'Avila 190 
Porto Alegre,RS 91040-450
+55 (51) 3344-7451

w w w . t a l h a - m a r . c o m . b r

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