[GRASSLIST:48] Re: problem to run grass5

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Thu May 15 20:57:12 EDT 2003

Roberto Rosado Solorzano wrote:

> I've just installed grass5 in a Sun WS with sunOS solaris8, for this I 
> downloaded the precompiled binary "grass-5.0.0pre3-sol8-sparc-opt". 
> After the welcoming screen and hit "enter" I've got the next response:
> "ld.so.1: /opt/GNUgrass/grass5/set_data: fatal: libncurse.so.5: open 
> failed: no such file or directory
> Killed"
> The case is that I've got ncurses5.3 preinstalled at /usr/local and that 
> library (libncurse.so.5) is at /usr/local/lib . . .

But is /usr/local/lib being searched by the loader?

I don't know for sure about Solaris, but Linux' handling of shared
libraries is quite close to Solaris, and Linux' loader doesn't look in
/usr/local/lib by default. You have to either:

a) add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf then run ldconfig (and re-run
it whenever new libraries are added), or

b) add /usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

> maybe another package is missing, but I don't know which one . . .
> could anybody have an idea??

Try "ldd /opt/GNUgrass/grass5/set_data"; that should tell you exactly
which libraries are required and whether (and where) they are found.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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