[GRASSLIST:56] GRASS 5.0.2 on Mac OSX and libdl.1.dylib - solved

Nick Cahill ndcahill at facstaff.wisc.edu
Fri May 16 14:13:34 EDT 2003

Installing the latest version of dlcompat (available at 
http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/dlcompat/) fixed this. You need to 
have the (free) developer's tools from Apple installed. Dlcompat is a 
tiny download; the developer's tools is a huge download (300 meg or 
something). If anyone would like I can email them the libdl.1.dylib 
file; just putting that in /usr/local/lib might work, although I can't 
test this myself.

For what it's worth, GRASS 5.0.2 running under Apple's X11 is *much* 
faster than 5.0.0 under the older version of XDarwin. It's probably the 
hardware acceleration in Apple X11; the difference is striking.

Nick Cahill

On Wednesday, May 14, 2003, at 11:44  PM, Glynn Clements wrote:

> Glynn Clements wrote:
>>> It's looking for /usr/local/lib/libdl.1.dylib. I have libdl.0.dylib,
>>> and libdl.dylib, but no .1. What program installs this?
>> libdl is a system library, i.e. it will be installed as part of MacOSX
>> itself.
>> I suspect that you may need an OS upgrade (unless OpenOSX decide to
>> release a GRASS CD which works with older OS versions).
> It appears that I was mistaken. libdl is a system library on "typical"
> Unix systems (e.g. Linux, Solaris). MacOSX provides a different API,
> but there is a third-party libdl "emulation":
> 	http://www.opendarwin.org/projects/dlcompat/
> My (updated) guess is that the OpenOSX port uses this library (or a
> similar library from another source), but they forgot to include it on
> the CD.
> Copying or renaming libdl.0.dylib to libdl.1.dylib *might* work,
> although a change to the version number is normally made to indicate
> incompatibility (i.e. to prevent programs from using an incompatible
> library).
> If it doesn't work, the only options are to either ask OpenOSX.com to
> provide the library which they used, or to build it yourself.
> -- 
> Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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