[GRASSLIST:76] nviz bird's eye view/shaded relief image

Ian Macmillan ian_macmillan at umail.ucsb.edu
Sun May 18 06:38:31 EDT 2003

Hi all, I am trying to use NVIZ and am having a hard time getting a nice bird's
eye view.  The "top" button centers the image nicely, however north generally
points left diagonally (or some other random direction).  Is there anyway to
set the view for nviz other than that interactive arrow (ie command line)?  

I am ultimately trying to make a nice shaded relief map, without any
perspective.  I used shade.rel.sh, however obtaining nice lighting is
non-trivial with this script (things are usually too dark, regardless of sun
angle).  Any ideas out there?  I am using GRASS 5.0.0 on OSx 10.2.6


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