[GRASSLIST:102] Re: Shapefile import

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed May 21 09:40:10 EDT 2003

Edmund Blackadder said:
> Hi
> i have trouble importing an Arcview shapefile...When i check the "List
database" option it says no DBF or worng format,which is not the case I
> And when I am trying to display it through d.vect or or d.display I just
get a blank screen. The import of the file however (I do it in verbose
mode) seems to be ok.
> Any possible cause?

I don't know about the "no DBF" problem, but if your file imported
correctly, but doesn't show, it might be a problem with the region
settings. Try:

d.mon x0
g.region -p vect=YourMap
d.vect YourMap

For more info, see http://grass.itc.it/gdp/grass5tutor/


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