[GRASSLIST:124] Re: Getting started with postgresql and GRASS

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Wed May 21 19:50:24 EDT 2003

Michael Ash wrote:

> I have been running GRASS 5.0.0 with postgresql successfully
> on Linux, but I just upgraded to 5.0.2 by downloading the
> binary from http://grass.ibiblio.org.  Unfortunately, the
> GRASS/postgresql connection stopped working after the
> upgrade. (When I revert to 5.0.0, GRASS/postgresql works
> again.) The problem appears to be shared libraries.
> GRASS:~ > g.select.pg -l
> g.select.pg: error while loading shared libraries: libpq.so.2: cannot load shared object file: No such file or directory
> GRASS:~ > locate libpq.so.2
> GRASS:~ >
> Unlike the previous time (see the effective advice of Glynn
> Clements below), when my problem was that I had not informed
> the loader of the nonstandard location of the library, I do
> not seem to have libpq.so.2 on my system.  Is it necessary
> to have libpq.so.2?  Can libpq.so.3, which I do have (again,
> see below), substitute?

Maybe, maybe not. If a shared library's major version number is
changed, it is normally because the library isn't compatible with the
previous version.

Check whether your Linux distribution offers a "compatibility" package
for the PostgreSQL libraries (i.e. older versions of the libraries). 
If not, then you would need to compile GRASS from source code to
obtain binaries which are compatible with your PostgreSQL libraries.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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