[GRASSLIST:140] don't compile man/html docs

Matt Doggett mdoggett at coas.oregonstate.edu
Thu May 22 14:14:02 EDT 2003

Is there a way to recompile (make) GRASS so that it doesn't go through the
time-consuming steps of building the man pages and html documentation?

The way it usually happens is that I compile everything once (e.g. 'make'
followed by 'make install') which will compile and install the
documentation. But then I go in and tweak the configure and/or compiler
options (or whatever) to optimize/customize the grass binaries, then I do a
'make clean', followed by 'make'. Re-compiling the man and html
documentation takes a long time and is unnecessary.


Matt Doggett
Spatial Climate Analysis Service
Oregon State University
316 Strand Ag Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
mdoggett at coas.oregonstate.edu

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