[GRASSLIST:169] Re: bus errors in Mac OS X

Paul Kelly paul-grass at stjohnspoint.co.uk
Sat May 24 14:27:02 EDT 2003


On Sat, 24 May 2003, David Mahoney wrote:

> I have recently started to get commands terminating with a `bus error'.
> Some examples area d.what.vect (only when I use the postgresql query),
> ps.map, but only when processing a integer colortable (float
> colortables are fine) and when importing shapefiles. These used to
> work, and I think the problem might be my upgrade from Mac OS 10.2.5 to
> 10.2.6. This problem affects GRASS 5.0.0, 5.0.1 and 5.0.2.

I used to get a bus error on SGI IRIX when importing an area coverage with
v.in.shape (line coverages were all right). I discovered recently this was
because of a non-standard usage of the non-standard snprintf() function. I
fixed v.in.shape in CVS so if you try the latest CVS version and the bus
error goes away this might be a clue to the problem? I notice d.what.vect
also contains a call to snprintf(); I'm not sure about ps.map.

Paul Kelly

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