[GRASSLIST:171] Re: Still having 5.0.2 problems

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Sat May 24 19:43:35 EDT 2003

Michael Ash wrote:

> > Odd; the internal format for integer maps hasn't changed
> > since 4.3. Is it possible that the maps were created in
> > text mode? This will cause \x0a to be written as \x0d\x0a.
> I am not sure I understand what is meant by "maps ...
> created in text mode."  Text mode in GRASS?

Text mode in Cygwin. Cygwin does automatic CRLF <-> LF translation in
certain circumstances. Rhis can be useful for reading and writing text
files, but will corrupt binary files.

> The raster maps
> were in any case floats or doubles, not integers.

Well, 4.3 didn't support floating-point, but the floating point format
5.0 hasn't changed since it was introduced (it uses XDR).

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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