[GRASSLIST:179] can't start mon under WinGeneric but can under X11

Jeff D. Hamann jeff_hamann at hamanndonald.com
Sun May 25 16:43:14 EDT 2003

I've just downloaded and compiled GRASS5.0.2 (time to get to work again..)
(WinXP) with the following options:

./configure --without-gd --without-odbc --without-fftw

GRASS is now configured for i686-pc-cygwin

  Source directory:          /cygdrive/c/grass/grass5.0.2
  Build directory:           /cygdrive/c/grass/grass5.0.2
  Installation directory:    /usr/local/grass5
  C compiler:                gcc -g -O2
  FORTRAN compiler:          g77

  NVIZ:                       yes

  X11 support:                yes
  DBM support:                no
  JPEG support:               yes
  TIFF support:               yes
  PNG support:                yes
  GD support:                 no
  Tcl/Tk support:             yes
  PostgreSQL support:         yes
  OpenGL(R) support:          yes
  ODBC support:               no
  FFTW support:               no
  BLAS support:               no
  LAPACK support:             no
  Motif support:              no
  FreeType support:           no
  GLw support:                no
  NLS support:                no
  Readline support:           no

and then,
make install

and everything went according to plan. I successfully started GRASS, and
attempted to start a display monitor and got the following message:

GRASS:/cygdrive/c/grass/grass5.0.2 > d.mon start=x0
ERROR: Graph_Set: can't open Display
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
No socket to connect to for monitor <x0>.
GRASS:/cygdrive/c/grass/grass5.0.2 > d.mon start=x0

and got the same message. When I started X11 (under cygwin) and ran the same
commands I got a display window and could display a map. I *do* only want to
run the generic version though (less junk on the WinXP machine to deal

When I installed cygwin (new WinXP laptop) I installed everything, even the
XFree86 files from the cygwin installer, not separately like I recall doing
earlier (a year or two ago). I read from the posting threads there was some
problems getting the monitors working but could figure out if they were

In addition, the only command I ran other that the ./configure, make and
make install, was "ln -s /bin/less /bin/more" and have ignored all the other
commands in step 5 so far. I'm sure it's not perfect, but I like to test the
"idiot-proofing" when I do these types of installations.

PS. I did install the dll Mike Thomas sent me on my old Win2K machine
running the generic grass build and it works great. Thanks!

Any ideas?

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