[GRASSLIST:1443] AGNPS users?

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Wed Oct 8 10:28:17 EDT 2003

This is a call to people interested to keep the r.agnps
functionality in GRASS, as we don't know who is actually using this code.

The story is that we've found that the licensing statements
in the code are not marking it as Free Software.
Thus we moved the code in src.nonGPL which is not released in tarballs.

To get the code back in, we would need a Free Software and GNU GPL
compatible license (like XFree86, LGPL, or releae Public Domain)
by the license holder of the code.
In addition that code also might need technical work.

For details and what can be done see the following postings
on grass5:

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