[GRASSLIST:1448] mv: can't stat source(on GRASSLinks)

Hayashi Shin-ichiro forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp
Wed Oct 8 18:14:19 EDT 2003

Dear GRASS Users:

I'm trying to make new location on GRASSLinks.
I done as following
1) I made directory "gamahara" for new location at /*/grasslinks/ .
2) I copied directory "grasslinks*" from "sample of spearfish" in "gamahara".   
3) I modify some files for "gamahara" (grass.cmd .grassrc* GRASSlinks etc).

I executed GRASSLinks from web browser.
But GRASSLinks doesn't work.
In Apache error log
mv: can't stat source /home/grass/grasslinks/gamahara/grasslinks1/UNLOCK
mv: can't stat source /home/grass/grasslinks/gamahara/grasslinks2/UNLOCK
mv: can't stat source /home/grass/grasslinks/gamahara/grasslinks3/UNLOCK
mv: can't stat source /home/grass/grasslinks/gamahara/grasslinks4/UNLOCK
mv: can't stat source /home/grass/grasslinks/gamahara/grasslinks5/UNLOCK

I think that
in grasslinks/prog/grass.cmd
   if mv -f $location$locnumber/UNLOCK $location$locnumber/LOCK
doesn't return status value.

My question is 
1. Why doesn't "mv" command return status value?
2. Which set up file did I mistake to write?

Please give me your suggestion.
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours. 

Hayashi Shin-ichiro  
mail:forest at bres.tsukuba.ac.jp URL:http://ryuiki.agbi.tsukuba.ac.jp/~forest
Watershed Management Lab., University of TSUKUBA

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