[GRASSLIST:1526] Re: bearing/angle

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 20 20:43:09 EDT 2003

> I need a way to calculate the bearing / angle between two points. To
> be more precise, I need to know in what direction and how long to go
> from one point to get to the other. I use the distance functionality
> to calculate 'how long to go' but need the direction. Is there any 
> functions to do so ?


  * m.cogo: The m.cogo utility can translate between bearing-distance
descriptions and X,Y coordinates. It's a simplistic first stab at
providing some COGO functionality for GRASS. (Eric G. Miller, U.S.A.) 


In GRASS 5.3 source as src/misc/m.cogo/
 see also html/html/m.cogo.html


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