[GRASSLIST:1146] Re: v.to.rast: problems with G_open_raster_new()

Glynn Clements glynn.clements at virgin.net
Tue Sep 9 07:50:05 EDT 2003

stef wrote:

> I have imported some vector files *.e00 (which went
> fine) and started the conversion to raster. I get the
> following result:
> GRASS:~ > v.to.rast streams out=streams2
> Loading vector information ...                  0 mins
> 00 secs
> Sorting areas by size ... 0 areas               0 mins
> 00 secs
> WARNING: G__open_raster_new: no temp files available
> ERROR: Can't create raster map <streams2>
> from running:
> d.vect streams
> d.region res=50 -pa
> d.erase
> v.to.rast streams out=streams2
> Any ideas about why the G_open_raster_new cannot
> function properly? 

The error message is potentially misleading, in that it seems to imply
that the problem is due to some sort of resource exhaustion. In fact,
that message is displayed if the temporary file could not be created
for any reason.

One possible reason is lack of disk space (either because the
partition is full, or because of quotas).

Another possible reason is that you don't have write permission for
the temporary directory. The temporary directory is the subdirectory
".tmp" within the mapset directory. Similarly, if the .tmp directory
doesn't exist, and you don't have write permission on the mapset
directory, attempting to create it will fail, and so creating the
temporary file will also fail.

In general, for any given location, each user should have their own
mapset directory (or directories); all files and subdirectories within
each mapset directory should be owned by (and writeable by) the owner
of the mapset directory.

Glynn Clements <glynn.clements at virgin.net>

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