[GRASSLIST:1209] grass51 v.convert

Sjors jkwast at freeler.nl
Fri Sep 12 04:40:34 EDT 2003


Now that I've got grass5.1 up and running I run into following problem. 
I tried to convert a map from native grass50 to native grass51 format.  
The following error keeps occuring whatever I do:

 v.convert in=agro-eco out=agro-eco
Reading dig file...
Input file is version 4.
Input file is portable.
0     points read to memory
0     lines read to memory
10    area boundaries read and written to output
0     dead points skipped
0     dead lines skipped
0     dead area boundaries skipped
0     elements of unknown type skipped
0     elements read to memory.
Reading dig_att file...
0     point categories read
0     line categories read
4     centroids read
0     dead point categories skipped
0     dead line categories skipped
0     dead centroids skipped
0     categories of unknown type skipped
4     categories read into memory.
Attaching categories...  100%
Writing new file...
0     points and lines written to output file.
4     centroids written to output file.
dbmi: Protocol error
Broken pipe

I've looked at the map in grass50 and nothing seems out of order. Other 
maps convert with no problem. When triyng to display the map in grass51 
I get following message:

WARNING: coor files of vector 'agro-eco at sjors' is larger than it should be
         (220704 bytes excess).
WARNING: Cannot display areas, topology not available

So I figured something's wrong with topology. So I went back to grass50 
did v.support and tried again in grass51. Still it won't work.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? Anybody got a clue??

Thanks and greetings Sjors

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