[GRASSLIST:1212] Re: grass51 v.convert

Radim Blazek blazek at itc.it
Fri Sep 12 06:15:22 EDT 2003

On Friday 12 September 2003 10:40, Sjors wrote:
> Hi,
> Now that I've got grass5.1 up and running I run into following problem.
> I tried to convert a map from native grass50 to native grass51 format.
> The following error keeps occuring whatever I do:
>  v.convert in=agro-eco out=agro-eco

Currently, the table name is by default the same as the vector name. 
'-' is not allowed in SQL table names. There was no consensus to restrict 
map names to SQL names. In future, names containing incorrect characters 
will be uniquely converted to correct names (function to do it, is not currently available).
Try v.convert in=agro-eco out=agro_eco

> dbmi: Protocol error
> Broken pipe

Most probably failed because of '-' in vector (table) name.

> I've looked at the map in grass50 and nothing seems out of order. Other
> maps convert with no problem. When triyng to display the map in grass51
> I get following message:
> WARNING: coor files of vector 'agro-eco at sjors' is larger than it should be
>          (220704 bytes excess).

Because it crashed during the import and vector was not correctly closed, 
coor size was not written to the file. To correct this message, open
and close the file in v.digit.

> WARNING: Cannot display areas, topology not available

Again, because it crashed topology was not written, use v.build.

> So I figured something's wrong with topology. So I went back to grass50
> did v.support and tried again in grass51. Still it won't work.
> Is this a bug or am I missing something? Anybody got a clue??

No topology is not the problem.


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