[GRASSLIST:1345] Re: compiling on RedHat and Gmakefile error

Jorge del Pozo jorpoz at pesquera.tel.uva.es
Wed Sep 24 06:38:52 EDT 2003

Have you run "make install" as root?
What version of RH and Grass have you?

-------spanish version

Uhmm, yo he compilado Grass5.0.2 en una RH7.3 y no me ha dado ningún
problema. No creo que sea por la opción de fftw, pero en último caso
tambien puedes probar a instalar ese programa y volver a compilar.

Espero haberte servido de alguna ayuda.
Javier Álvarez Rodríguez(javier.alvarez at cedex.es)@24.09.2003 08:55:49 +0000:
> Dear GRASS users,
> I wonder if someone can help us with our GRASS compilation on RedHat Linux.
> The problem is that after running ./configure with option –without-fftw,
> make and make install, we can not go on with /usr/local/bin/gmake5 because
> Gmakefile is not found. What did I do wrong?. Any clue?
> Thanks in advance
> Javier Álvarez Rodríguez
> Centro de Estudios Hidrográficos del CEDEX
> Paseo Bajo de la Virgen del Puerto, 3
> 28005 Madrid, España
> javier.alvarez at cedex.es
> +34 (91) 335 79 38
> +34 (91) 335 79 22 (fax)

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