[GRASSLIST:3136] RE: can't display DGN

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 11 20:02:53 EDT 2004

> Many thanks for you help. Unfortunately, still I can't display. v.info 
> shows bad region limits (see below). Could the mistake be about bad 
> region settings while importing?
> import process follows
> g.region n=45N s=37N w=10W e=5E
> v.in.dgn - all defaults accepted
> This outputs a lot of warnings about complex element header ignored, 
> complex elements parts written
> Next I run v.support - all defaults accepted
> Projection: Latitude-Longitude (zone 0)
> N:0  S:0
> E:0  W:0
> Source date:
> Original scale 1:0 

You might try GRASS 5.7 and v.in.ogr


"DGN files do not contain spatial indexes"


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