[GRASSLIST:4095] X-windows, cygwin & GRASS

lawrence moran L.J.Moran at newcastle.ac.uk
Wed Aug 4 07:18:31 EDT 2004


Having established that the tcltk GUI should work with GRASS on Cygwin,
I have a better understanding of my problem: As I understand it I need
to be running Xwin in full screen mode in order to start tcltkgrass.
However, if I start Xwin (in full screen mode or otherwise) Cygwin
becomes unresponsive (XWin is offering no means of inputting commands),
so I can't start tcltkgrass. As soon as Xwin is shut down, Cygwin
accepts and tries to execute any command I've tried to input while Xwin
is open. 

Any ideas?


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