[GRASSLIST:4192] Adding CATS to buffered lines (Grass5.7)

Craig Aumann caumann at ualberta.ca
Mon Aug 16 19:22:09 EDT 2004

The way I've cobbled CATs onto buffered lines is given below.

I have two questions:

- Is there a better way to do this?

- What is the appropriate tool to use for v.clean after I have patched
everything together?  The tool svtlx (listed in the man page for
v.patch) does not exist in v.clean.  

I'm not that concerned about the intersections between the buffered
lines - they could be assigned to the CAT for any of the original

declare -i MYCOUNTER

for MYCAT in 13 3 12 2;
  v.extract input=seismicselect output=seismicselecttemp \
      list=$MYCAT new=-1
## buffer it. 
  v.buffer input=seismicselecttemp output=seistempbuf type=line buffer=3
  v.category input=seistempbuf output=seistempbuf2 type=centroid \
      option=add field=2 step=1 
  v.category input=seistempbuf2 output=seistempbuf3 type=centroid \
      option=sum field=2 cat=-1
  v.category input=seistempbuf3 output=seistempbuf1 type=centroid \
      option=sum field=2 cat=$MYCAT

  if test "$MYCOUNTER" -eq 1; then
      let "MYCOUNTER=$MYCOUNTER+1"      
      v.patch input=seistempbuf1 output=seisfintemp
      v.patch input=seistempbuf1,seisfintemp output=seisfintemp2
      g.remove vect=seisfintemp
      g.copy vect=seisfintemp2,seisfintemp


v.category input=seisfintemp option=report

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